Friday, February 12, 2010

Real Life Interlude

I haven't been online much this past week due to real life. One of the twins came down sick Tuesday evening, his brother the next morning, and I lost pretty much all of Wednesday to looking after them as my extremely pregnant wife is not up to the task alone. They were still ill Thursday, plus we had a prenatal appointment, plus it was my birthday so going off at night for Eve was not advisable for marital bliss. On the upside, the twins were feeling better by night time so I have hope for a normal day today.

As for my birthday, I got some sweet swag:
- two 60 day timecards for Eve
- Gratuitous Space Battles and AI War computer games (very handy next month)
- IPhone (or rather, permission to buy an IPhone... funny how that works)

Hopefully things calm down and I can get stuff done this weekend with my eye towards some pew-pew Sunday night.

There may not be a "Fiction Friday" post today. I haven't had time to map it out and get it started so we'll see how much free time I have at lunch to get it going.


  1. I hope I get AI War for my birthday! I love the scale of that game.

  2. Very excited for you re the imminent arrive of your new bundle of joy (not talking about iphone or games, tho those are cool too).

    Happy birthday, KK :)

    Still read your blog pretty religiously even though I don't comment much.

  3. Good to hear the twins are doing better. We just went through some aweful bug with our littlest one so I know how you feel. Happy belated birthday and good to hear you made the "right" decision about RL vs. wife. Haha. No matter how much I want to spend my day off flying internet spaceships, I'm taking mine out to a nice lunch today.

  4. Hope the kids are better soon! You sound like a good papa.

  5. Hah, my iPhone was a birthday "permission" present to: meaning, my wife gave me permission to go wait in line for 3 hours to buy one on the 3G launch day.

    Agreed, funny how that works.

  6. See if you were clever like me the only permission I need is my conscious, even then I still ignore it. =P
