
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Logitech Keyboards

Here is my latest Eve Tribune contribution on Logitech 'G' Series keyboards. Also worth reading is the editor's followup on how he uses his G15 keyboard.


  1. One thing I don't think either of you mentioned that I think would be useful:

    In big fleet battles it's bad to group weapons because if one gun jams due to lag it jams the whole group.

    However it's very nice to be able to press one button to Fire All Weapons.

    G keyboards seem to me to be a way to achieve this although I have not yet tried one out.

  2. I've had a g15 keyboard for a long time now but am using vista x64 ultimate and can't get the G keys to work in game. I know it has something to do with running the logitech programs in admin mode since eve is launched that way or somesuch, but I have never found a way to pull this off, or any guides on doing so, though it has been a while since I looked. How did you get yours working? Any suggestions?

  3. In order to make the keys work in game, I had to run the G15 Key profiler program in admin mode. That means that every time I boot my PC I have to click on a "Blocked Program" button in the startup bar to tell it to allow it to run.

    I'll take some screenshots and accurate instructions when I get home.

  4. Thanks Kirith! I look forward to it, pain in the arse ftw!

  5. Anonymous4:24 pm

    while you are at it, could you just down how to release and return the drones? I haven't figured a way to bind the keys to that action yet. Love the TS functionality though

  6. Kirith, I was able to get it working after all. I setup the G15 with the "exefile.exe" in the bin directory as the executable file for the eve program, this granted access for the G15's "g" keys to work in the eve game. I also don't have to worry about granting the program admin permissions!

    Thorvik, by default those commands are not mapped. You have to go into default controls and add them using a specific key command, something like shit+alt+] or something like that, then bind that key sequence to a "G" key on the G15. Then tapping that g-key will send that command. Just make sure to not use key sequences that are already used, hence why I like adding modifiers like control or alt or shift or all three =)

  7. *Kirith shows up with screenshots in his overcrowded arms... looks at Logan's response.... dejectedly turns around and walks away...*

  8. awww Kirith! I still want to know how you set it up! Since looking at you response it is different than the solution I found. Look at you making me feel all bad!

  9. Alright, since I've got the screenshots already... :)
