
Monday, July 26, 2010


It has come to my intention that my last post on Ushra'Khan's misfortunes could be construed as me saying UK deserved it because I didn't like them.

I wish to clarify.

Yes, I didn't like UK for reasons discussed but I did not wish at any time for their disbandment / sabotage to occur. Due to the actions that they have taken against me and my allies I think they deserve painful internet spaceship deaths in honest to goodness fighting.

On the other point in my previous post, if UK leadership was sloppy in its security measures and promotion policies than it deserved to be disbanded by the disgruntled leader / HYDRA Reloaded spy as a consequence for not operating carefully in the post-BoB world. This "deserved-ness" is completely divorced from my personal vendetta against all who have wronged me (note: currently adding Hallen Turek to the list).

Finally, I would like to say that I have yet to meet someone personally in Eve I would not sit down to enjoy a drink and a conversation with in real life (yes, even those guys from FINEG). Any vendettas/grudges/fist shaking I indulge in is purely for spicing up my day and not intended to be taken seriously beyond the confiens of this blog. I find Internet Spaceships is more fun with Internet Grudges.

Carry on.

1 comment:

  1. I wished for it and it came true! I have powers not to be trifled with.
