
Friday, March 15, 2013

EVE Shopping List v1.00.0003 Beta now open

My little code project is ready for beta users! The EVE Shopping List installer can be found here, just click on File\Download to get the ZIP file, extract on your computer, and run setup. The application was written on .Net Framework 4.5 so it may download that from Microsoft and install that if you don't already have it. Simple instructions to use the application are included in the ZIP file.

The application does not use any API information nor does it currently make any calls out to the internet. Its just a tool for making shopping lists.

The source code can be found on Github.

Please feel free to make any comments, suggestions, or bug reports here.


  1. Kirith Bro-dachi, do you mind if I do a little review of this application? It may or may not even get published.

  2. EVEHQ has pretty much the same functionality.
    I do not use it personally, but looks similar.

    1. I've had problems with EveHQ a good while back and never installed it again. I wouldn't be surprised if this type of app has been developed before.
