This past weekend I took a look at my garage and decided to shake things up a little.
Since repurchasing my Tiger II heavy tank, I found that my playtime with the JagdPanther II diminished greatly. Tank Destroyers in the high tiers were not working out for me, I had more fun and success with the tougher King Tiger. I still had my Tier VII Jadpanther which I have a lot of success with and scratched that sniper with the big gun itch for me.

So right now my rotation is Tiger II, Panther, Panzer IV, Leopard. Then sometimes to mix it up I use my little old Pz38 (tier IV) for lower tier matches (since the Leopard got bumped to tier V it sees more big tanks) and if I need to feel good about myself I jump in the Jagdpanther tank destroyer and ruin someone's day.
The Panther line is rewarding for players with a bit of patience and intelligence, I'm not surprised you're enjoying them. Still an open invite to platoon if you ever want to, it makes the higher tiers a bit more manageable.