
Friday, November 01, 2013

What's This?!

Its been a week to forget around here.

Mrs Kodachi suddenly in the hospital for 5 days, me being the single father for three rambunctious kids while getting ready for Halloween, getting Mrs Kodachi home from the sudden surgery and having to take care of her while she slowly recovers, and I'm coming down with a Kindergarten cold.

But things are looking up. Kids are gone to my parents for the weekend, and when I get home from dropping them off I find a package on my doorstep. For me?

What's this?!
This is going to look awesome on my desk. Obligatory video of flying the Rifter incoming.

Thank you Diana of! Its the only place I purchase my time codes and this is just one of the reasons why.

1 comment:

  1. ah so we can expect a vlog from you flying the rifter around the house while being bubbled
