
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Relevant Followup

I hope yesterday's post didn't come off as too mopey / fishing for compliments. It really was just a stream of consciousness post examining why I'm still here writing this thing. Nevertheless, I appreciate all of the kind words and encouragement I received in the comments, on twitter, and in corp chat. I wasn't looking for them but they really did make my day.

Tell you what. This is post 2968 and I'm coming up on ten years in EVE next September. Let's carry on as we have been until the 3000th post and 10 years in EVE (they should come up at the same time if I play my cards right) and re-examine my life then. ;)

For the record, my blog stats since May 2010 when Google started keeping track:
That's.... that's a lot of readers. What the hell are you are doing here?!


  1. I'm always intrigued to see other bloggers' view stats. It's hard to identify whether you're "making a difference" in the game when you look at your own stats in isolation. One question I have, for instance... how large is the Eve blog-reading playerbase? Is that increasing or decreasing, overall? I really view my writing as part of a larger tapestry of player-to-player interaction and thought development. I'm not as concerned about my own reader stats as whether I can play off of what others do, and influence other writers in response. That, to me, is a healthy community.

    Blogger has a neat feature that allows me to track and be notified about all new posts on blogs I follow; you're on that list, I always get excited when I see one of your posts.

    I don't want to lose you as a member of the blogging community. I was really bummed when we lost Rixx because his perspective was insightful and unique; I'd feel the same way if you left.

    I can't speak about who else you influence, but I can tell you that you certainly exert an influence on me. You're a member of this blogging community that has inspired many.

    Our community is strong because of all of the voices; I can't reproduce your color of thread in the tapestry, and we need you.

  2. I'm always intrigued to see other bloggers' view stats. It's hard to identify whether you're "making a difference" in the game when you look at your own stats in isolation. One question I have, for instance... how large is the Eve blog-reading playerbase? Is that increasing or decreasing, overall? I really view my writing as part of a larger tapestry of player-to-player interaction and thought development. I'm not as concerned about my own reader stats as whether I can play off of what others do, and influence other writers in response. That, to me, is a healthy community.

    Blogger has a neat feature that allows me to track and be notified about all new posts on blogs I follow; you're on that list, I always get excited when I see one of your posts.

    I don't want to lose you as a member of the blogging community. I was really bummed when we lost Rixx because his perspective was insightful and unique; I'd feel the same way if you left.

    I can't speak about who else you influence, but I can tell you that you certainly exert an influence on me. You're a member of this blogging community that has inspired many.

    Our community is strong because of all of the voices; I can't reproduce your color of thread in the tapestry, and we need you.
