
Monday, May 02, 2016

Wrecking Their Dreams

Last night Aideron decided to experiment with a new fleet type as our pilot skill levels have increased over the past year and a lot more pilots are capable of fielding bigger ships. So we decided to try out a Hull Tanked Blaster Megathron fleet.

It took a little longer than normal to assemble as demand was higher than expected and we didn't have enough Megathrons to sell to interested pilots, but eventually we undocked 16 Megathrons and a rogue Hyperion and Maelstrom, as well as some support frigates.

We roamed about the warzone for a bit until we received some intel that a Player Owned Customs Office (aka POCO) was coming out of reinforced in Oto and our allied in Rapid Withdrawal (RDRAW) were forming up to knock it over. We rushed back to the system Sujarento and sent the scouts ahead.

Reports came in of a Tempest Fleet Issue fleet from Caldari Militia alliance Templis CALSF numbering around 15 battleships, but also with Guardian logistic support. Knowing we were outmatched in that particular scenario, we retreated to a safe distance while we coordinated with the forming RDRAW fleet of Machariel battleships with logi support. We came up with a hasty plan to try and catch the Templis fleet between our two battleship fleets, but Templis wisely declined to fight that battle.

That's when the pirates showed up.

Reports started to come in of an approaching Snuff fleet of Proteus, Guardians, and miscellaneous other ships. At first we thought that RDRAW, allies of Snuffed Out would decline to fight them but it turns out it wasn't a Snuff fleet per say, but rather a fleet of pilots from corporations that had just left Snuff due to the fallout of the Shadow Cartel capital fleet awox recently. The we were going to use against Templis was quickly adapted for the new enemy.

The RDRAW Machariel fleet engaged the larger enemy fleet in Nagamanen and we worked our frigates to get a warp in on the logistics support. "I'm on 'em!" rang out and our fleet warped to the battle as cynos were lit and capitals, included some new Force Auxiliaries (FAXes) jumped in.

And since no one in any militia likes pirates, some behind the scenes negotiating arranged temp-blue status with the Templis fleet that had reshipped to Rattlesnakes and arrived in force on the field.

It turned into a blood bath.

Militia Voltron lost a Machariel, Dominix, Taranis, and a Gallente Ninazu FAX capital coming to an estimate 2.7 billion ISK, while the ex-Snuff fleet lost 17 ships including two Moros, a Chimera, 3 Apostle FAXes, and a bunch of shiny sub-caps coming to estimate 18.7 billion ISK. Aideron was primarily responsible for killing the 5 Guardians.

Militia Voltron lost a Machariel, Dominix, Taranis, a Gallente Ninazu FAX capital, and an Apostle FAX coming to an estimated 5 billion ISK, while the ex-Snuff fleet lost 17 ships including two Moros, a Chimera, 2 Apostle FAXes, and a bunch of shiny sub-caps coming to estimate 16.4 billion ISK. Aideron was primarily responsible for killing the 5 Guardians.

After the battle the militias headed their own way to fight each other another day.

Since I didn't send my drones off to whore on capital killmails, I managed to secure final blow on three of the guardians so my Megathron is sporting three new killmarks,

Incidentally, Aideron Robotics is recruiting! If you are looking to enjoy the constant fight club that is low sec in the Black Rise / Essence area, and want to join an easy going mature corporation in the Gallente Militia, look us up in the Aideron Robotics in game channel!


  1. Super kudos for linking the best pirate flag in the world, Jack Rakham's, developed by two women, Anne Bonny and Mary Read.

  2. Super kudos for linking the best pirate flag in the world, Jack Rakham's, developed by two women, Anne Bonny and Mary Read.

  3. Hull Mega with Intaki Syndicate Skin?

    Too good!

  4. Are you still based in Fliet and do you have an EU tz?

    Nice neighbourhood, shame if anything were to happen to it, know what I mean?

    1. Yes, we're in Fliet, and we are working on our EU TZ, admittedly its weak but we have an allied French corp living here too and lots of militia EU fleets to join.

    2. We poked our nose in tonight but didn't find anyone home. I'm sure we'll fight at some point.

      Waffles are in Kinakka.

  5. One smAll correction - one of the apostles was rdraw. I should know, I died in it ;) good fight!

    1. Ack, I see the mistake in the kill report, i will correct the post. Thanks!
