Monday, August 05, 2024

Board Games!

 Played some board games with friends in person a couple weeks back.

First up was Brass: Birmingham, the current highest rank game on Board Game Geek if you can believe it.

Don't get me wrong, its a good game. But the best in the world? I have opinions. Anyways, it was a tough game and in the end my numerous railway lines earned me the top spot.

Next up was Twlight Inscription, a roll and play game set in the Twilight Imperium universe.

I've only played it twice but its one of my favourites mainly because everyone plays at the same time. No waiting which is right up my ADHD alley. Chad won this game, but it was a good time with lots of decisions and rolling.

* * * 

While on the topic of board games, got a chance today to play a couple rounds of Memoir 44 with my son Aarjay.

We split the game one apiece, with me successfully completing operation Market Garden while he stormed the beaches of D Day.

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