Monday, September 02, 2024

The Escape

 Met with my friend V for an intense game of Kill Team. The mission was
with his Kasrkin attempting to run the gauntlet and escape over my board edge while my Brood Brothers tried to stop him.

The board is setup with my team starting in the corner box and his team on the far edge. There is one toom between us, and then four long hallways with various access point hatches between them.

The first turning point is a lot of fairly cautious movement with my team spreading out to catch the approaching enemy.

Meanwhile the Kasrkin advance slowly and methodically.

One familiar became familiar with the aim of the Marksman.

IN the second turning point, the teams were ready to start the serious business of killing.

In the room, aka the killing floor, the Kasrkin screamed "For CADIA!" and advanced with frags out, whipping a grenade through a hatch. Three brothers were caught in the blasat but they much have had some extra armour plates because the wounds were not severe.

The brother sapper was wounded so whipped his own frag grenade back but the Kasrkin armour was also up to the task. Seeing that the killing needed to be up close and personal, the Knife Fighter charged in and cut the medic's jugular before the trooper smashed his skull in.

More Kasrkin prepared to follow up and take control of the room.

Meanwhile, in the Halls the Kasrkin advanced from cover to cover, wary of the plasma gun and sniper at the other end. More about this area later.

Back on the Killing Floor, the Trooper melta gunner advanced in the room only to be charged by the Shock Maul weilding Agitator. 

A trooper counter charged but took a maul to the face for his troubles. Would the agitator break the line here? Yet Another Trooper charged in and this time the agitator fell under the weight. Haha my opponent crowed, the room shall be mine! I charged in my commander and veteran to hold the line.

With the situation looking dire, I turned to my Primus. He stealthily approached the hatch and shot twice to kill the melta gun with his needle pistol.

Then, using his abilities to win initiative with a plus 1 and a re-roll, he charged in and fought twice to kill the troopers.

Sensing possible defeat, the Kasrkin commander roared and charged up the middle hallway, dramatically felling one brood brother after another before weight of numbers finally brought him down! But his charge was not in vien as panic rippled through the remaining brood.

Desperate to seal their fate, the Primus rushed into the backline and shot at the marksman, hoping to kill him and seal their doom... but the marksman survived the volley with two wounds left. The Primus gaped in shock.... before searing plasma coursed over his body and burnt him to a crisp.

With the battle beginning to turn, the Kasrkin kept pushing up the hallways. The brood brother plasma gunner tried to advance and elminate a threat but the guarding trooper cut him down first.

The brother sniper was outflanked and cut down as well, as the brothers could not catch a break.

With no shooting weapons or good charges left to my Iconward and remaining familiar, I conceded that four Kasrkin of the original ten would escape, giving both of us 6 pts. Since I only got 4 tac ops points and V got all 6, the victory goes to the Kasrkin, 12-10!

Excellent game! I'll get you next time!

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