Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Fuel Run Redux

 I love the Fuel Run mission from Octarius set se much that when I had a rematch against V I chose to use this mission again. 

V once again marched his elite Kaskins to the table, while the Kommandos of Boss Grabnitz looked to upend their polished uniforms.

The game starts with everyone hunkered down.

On the eastern flank the unable-to-hide-well Bomb Squig gets nailed by a lasgun as the Kasrkin advance, but the Comms Boy and Rokkit Boy reinforce.

ON the western flank, the Kasrkin advance slowly under the watchful aim of the Snipa Boy and his Bog Shoota.

IN the centre, the Kommando Boy and Burna Boy and Dakka Boy run over the top to distract while the  Breacha Boy and Slasha Boy move up under cover of a smoke grenade from the Grot. The Boy paid the price.

At the start of TP2, the Burna boy moved up and Torrented the hell out of the Kasrkin, flaming 6 of them, killing one and injuring two others.

The Kasrkin returned fire with metalgun and lasgun, and the Orks charged in!

Things are looking dire for the Kasrkin as the nearly dead commander charged in to kill the nearly dead Dakka boy, but the greenskin muttered "Its justa scratch" and backhanded the human to the ground. The Grot runs up and pumped some fuel! 
V cracked his knuckles, whispered "For the Emperor! For Cadia!" and proceeded to turn the tide.

ON the East flank, the Rokkit boy kills a Kasrkin only to be counter shot from across the map in the head.

Then, building on that momentum, he performed a ploy to fallback his plasma gunner for one AP, and shoot the caught-flatfooted Breacha Boy to death. Then the Dakka boy succummed to his wounds. The Burna boy was also shot with a krak grenade. Suddenly the centre that looked so green now looked so bare.

In a desperate attempt to salvage, the way out of position Knob tried to charge over the top of the ruins but was absolutely nailed by the sniper kasrkin (9 mortal wounds!) and fell. 

The grot made his escape with the fuel pod but nothing could stop the Kasrkin from getting their own resupply of promethium and securing enough objectives to claim victory, 12 to 8.

Great game once again. I made too many early misteps and even then it looked like the Orks might carry the centre, but the Kasrkin made no more errors after the Burna boy flamed them good and took home the victory.

Until next time!

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