Sunday, October 20, 2024

Revenge of the Brothers

 Had my first game of Kill Team 2024 with Terjoe, using my Brood Brothers against his Tau Pathfinders. Not a full battle report this time, just some pictures and comments.

Brood Brothers get so many operatives.

Pathfinders get so many guns!

Knife fighter gets an early start.

Heavy barricades to get cover from the vantage points are very useful equipment.

Ladders allowed the Tau to get to the vantage points early on.

Knife fighter, aka Blade McGee, uses a surprise charge through a door to cut down a pathfinder.

However, he's very exposes for some railgun nastiness.

Hiding from snipers.

Looking for targets.

Plasma gunner comepletely wiffs on a shot, and then...

... gets utterly pasted in the return fire.

Primus chops a Tau in half and then uses if third APL to shoot the railgunner on the second level. Continues to impress.

But a couple of Tau move into position and take him down before more damage is done.

Taking a lesson from the Kasrkin, the Brood Brothers dominate the centre line and score some VPs for my Tac Op.

Tau try a flanking manuevre in TP3.

Battle of the snipers goes to the Tau.

Brood brother vetern killed the pathfinder trying to flank but hears a humming sound as the burst cannon spins up....

... but his armour saves are golden and only take three damage!

This last failure broke the morale of the Tau and they sounded the general retreat.

Thoughts after first game:

Not a fan of three different things to kerp track of for scoring atm, might get easier in future

Vantage makes sense now and is not overpowering but is useful

Cover/obscuring makes better sense

Ladders super useful

Heavy barricades super useful

Love the volkus terrain, feels similar to octarius but also different

Know where the doors are

My metal bullet dice needed to get the bad rolls rolled out, they were starting to work in the latter half of the game

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