Monday, February 24, 2025

Extract the Package

 The Corsairs Voidscarred landed on Volkus and tried to find an important MacGuffin but the Necron Hierotek Circle had the same idea.

One of the more confusingly worded objectives.

The board.

The Corsairs.

The Circle.

The Corsairs deployed mostly to the centre and east flank, with a lone Shade Runner skulking on the west side.

The Necrons prepaed to advance on the west flank.

I started the game on the wrong foot, for some reason thinking the Deathmark had already moved. Instead he dashed into position and put a blast through the skull of the badly exposed Kurnathi Hunter.

Trying to secure the eastern stronghold as the Necrons advance, but the Fatedealer and Heavy Gunner with wraith cannon were largely non-factors in the game. The wraithcannon wounded a necron immortal before being assiassinated by the Deathmark and the sniper was cleverly expsed by an immortal that climbed into postion for an obscured shot. 

Shaderunner skulkily advanced so that...

... on turning point two she could warp in and do some surviellance for my Tac op.

In the centre, the Felarch and psykers hug the cover, afraid of the impressive guass weaponry.

The Duelist runs out and blasts an Immortal with the fusion pistol.

The Immortal would revive (a common theme this game) and the Appretek counter fire wounds but not kills the Duelist. 

Another wounded immortal charges  but stumbles and is killed by the Duelist in close combat! (Don't worry, he gets back up.)

The Duelist continues to wreck Necrons with Fusion power... but finally he is put down... and the Necrons get back up and heal.

On the west flank, the Technomancer finds the package at the third point, and decides to take matters into his own claws.

He steps out and kills the survielling Shade Runner. The Felarch runs up and Neuron Pistols him to death at the end of TP2 and begining of TP3. He does rivive but but is charged by the Kurnathi swordmaster and put down for good. An Immortal sees the swordmaster and lays him low from across the board while the Deathmark finishes the Felarch.

With the numbers of the Eldar dwindling, I secure a couple more Surviellance points but the necrons advance and take control of the stronghold.

The Deathmark was MVP of the game.

The final score was 12 to 9 for the Necrons. My failure to be able to put down weakened revived Necrons did me in as I got 0 points for the Kill Op while my opponent wracked up 5. A good tough game.

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